

7月2日, 2020, a new law let 密歇根 drivers choose the 个人 Injury Protection (PIP) option that best met their unique needs 和 budget. If you took advantage of this option, you’ll need to take additional action to renew it.




2020年7月2日00:04. 为什么这次约会对你很重要?

00:08 Because significant changes happened in 密歇根 with the no-fault auto reform law which went into effect on July 2nd, 2020.


[00:20]一个词:选择. If you are already insured with the number one auto insurer in the nation, 国营农场, 我们说谢谢. If you're not with the nation's number one carrier, you have a choice to join us either way.

00:35 You now have more choices that could lead to significant savings on your personal injury protection or PIP medical coverage premiums. The nearly 700 国营农场 代理s throughout 密歇根 are excited to not only go over existing policy holder coverages, 同时也欢迎新客户的到来.


00:56从1973年开始, 密歇根 drivers were required to carry unlimited medical coverage on their personal automobile insurance policies.


01:08 Now you have the option of six different personal injury protection coverages.

[01:13]选项一:无限pp王者电子官网. This would be the same as your coverage limit prior to the no fault law change.

[01:21 . 21]选项二:最高50万美元的保额.

01:26 Option three: up to two hundred 和 fifty thous和 dollars in coverage

[01:30]选项四:最高25万美元的保额, 部分或全部人员被排除在PIP医疗之外.

01:38 For instance, you may qualify for this option if you have qualified health insurance.

01:43 That means your health care policy does not exclude auto injuries 和 your deductible is not greater than six thous和 dollars.

01:50 Option five: you can choose fifty thous和 dollars in coverage if you're enrolled in medicaid 和 meet other eligibility criteria, 和


02:02 You can choose to have no PIP medical if you have medicare parts A 和 B,如果你符合其他资格标准.

02:10记住, 如果您不选择不同的PIP医疗选项, 您的pp王者电子官网范围将默认为无限pp王者电子官网选项.


02:28 All of these changes are why it's so important to call or see a 国营农场 代理 和 make the choice that's best for you now. 越快越好. 不要等到最后一刻.

02:40 A 国营农场 代理 can help you decide which option may best suit your needs.


02:46 T在这里's no obligation if you do, 和 t在这里 could be significant savings to be had.

02:52 And 在这里's the deal: While some other insurers raised their rates in 密歇根, 州立农场申请在2020年降低住房和汽车利率.

03:00 T在这里's never been a better time to talk to a local 国营农场 代理, 所以不要孤军奋战, 密歇根. 当你想要真正的交易时,就像一个好邻居,州立农场就在那里.



To retain your current PIP selection for the upcoming renewal, you must:

  • 联系您的代理商
  • 讨论你的pp王者电子官网选择并做出选择
  • 填写PIP表格
  • Provide document(s) for Qualified 健康 Care (QHC), Medicare, or Medicaid

If your PIP form 和 documentation is not received prior to your upcoming renewal, your policy will be renewed with Unlimited PIP as required by 密歇根 law. This will increase your premium if you previously chose less than Unlimited PIP. 您将收到一个反映此更改的新声明页面.






密歇根州以前唯一的pp王者电子官网范围是无限pp王者电子官网. 这一数字在2020年7月扩大. Check out the PIP medical coverage options 和 talk to your 国营农场 代理 to help you figure out which works best for you:

  • 选项1: 无限pp王者电子官网(这和你现在的pp王者电子官网一样)
  • 选项2: pp王者电子官网金额高达50万美元
  • 选项3: pp王者电子官网金额高达25万美元
  • 选项4: pp王者电子官网金额高达25万美元 部分或全部人员被排除在PIP医疗之外. For instance, you may qualify for this option if you have qualified health insurance. That means your health care policy does not exclude auto injuries 和 your deductible is not greater than $6,000.
  • 选择5: 你可以选择50美元,000 in coverage if you’re enrolled in Medicaid 和 meet other eligibility criteria.
  • 选择6: PIP医疗选择退出. 如果你有医疗pp王者电子官网A部分,你可以选择不参加PIP医疗 & B,如果你符合其他资格标准.


  • 身体伤害
  • 没有pp王者电子官网的司机
  • 保额不足司机

这些变化将影响定价. So, review these options with your local 代理 to get a better underst和ing of how they might impact your coverage 和 budget.



人身伤害保障范围 can help with your medical expenses from an accident, no matter who is at fault.


改革要求降低PIP保费. So, even if you maintain a high level of PIP coverage, you'll likely see some savings over time.


如果你是密歇根州的终身居民, the new reform presents you with a decision you've never had to make before. Talk it over with your 国营农场 代理 to get a better underst和ing of the options available to you.


The goal is to choose the level of coverage needed to protect you 和 your loved ones. 你的州立农场代理人会帮你回答问题, 但是在一天结束的时候,pp王者电子官网范围的选择取决于你.

这项改革于2020年7月2日生效. 如果您对改革或其他pp王者电子官网事宜有任何疑问, 请联系当地的州立农场代理.



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国营农场 (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, any third-party products or the content of any third-party sites referenced in this material. 国营农场 has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the third-party sites. Any references to such sites are provided for informational purposes only 和 are not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such third-party sites. 州立农场不保证其适销性, 健身, 或本材料中引用的第三方产品的质量.
